While most people are out enjoying the first truly warm days of the year in Swindon, others are dreaming of a white Christmas.

In fact, they have already been dreaming for two months, as the Village Hotel West Swindon confirmed that Christmas adverts first appeared in April.

When Joe Tully spotted the adverts at the Village Hotel West Swindon he said it was ‘surreal’.

“All you want for a great family Christmas at Village”, read the brochures with a grinning Santa.

However, it not just the hotel staff making festive preparations in the 22C heat - they say the bookings are already coming in.

“I wouldn’t say that it is too early because we are having people booking all the time," said a Village Hotels spokesperson.

“It's because we're so popular for Christmas that people need to look early so they can get the places they need."

Some are booking for Christmas lunch, or lunches with Santa, while others are preparing for the Christmas party.

The spokesperson revealed there are only three months at the hotel when Christmas adverts don't appear.

“It's non-Christmas for those outside of the hotel, but in hotels, Christmas never stops”, said the spokesperson.

But it is too early for some of the preparations, with the spokesperson adding: “We won’t be buying mince pies just yet. And the Christmas tree will be up for the first party on November 22.”