The following cases were heard in Swindon Magistrates' Court this month.

CRICKLADE: Frank Smith, of Calcutt Park in Calcutt, has been sentenced for fly-tipping.

The defendant pleaded guilty to depositing garden waste on land off Sheeppen Bridge Bridge to County Boundary in Latton, near Cricklade, without the authority of a current environmental permit on or before August 11, 2023.

He also admitted to failing without reasonable excuse on September 29, 2023, to comply with a notice served in writing by Wiltshire Council requiring him to provide an authorised officer with details of the driver of a vehicle used in the commission of an offence of unlawful disposal of controlled waste.

He has been fined £1,500 and ordered to pay court costs of £1,200 as well as £112.80 in compensation plus £480 to fund victim services.

MOREDON: Dennis King, of Bourne Road, has been sentenced for two counts of assault by beating.

The 40-year-old pleaded guilty to hitting two men in Swindon on March 17, 2023.

He received a community order that requires him to carry out six months of drug rehabilitation treatment, 12 months of mental health treatment, and up to 10 rehab activity days, as well as pay £100 in compensation to one victim and a fine of £800.

He must also pay £85 in court costs and £114 to fund victim services.

STRATTON: Laura Taylor, of Ermin Street, has been sentenced for two offences.

The 34-year-old pleaded guilty to failing to provide a specimen for analysis and failing to surrender to court bail at the appointed time.

The defendant did not provide a sample of blood to police in Swindon when required on April 24, 2024, during the course of an investigation into whether she had committed an offence after being suspected of having driven a vehicle.

On May 8, 2024, she failed without reasonable cause to surrender to custody at Swindon Magistrates' Court having been released on bail in criminal proceedings on April 24, 2024, at Swindon Gabecross Police Station.

She has been banned from driving for 36 months, fined £200, and ordered to pay £85 in court costs plus £80 to fund victim services.

TOWN CENTRE: Andrew Shipsey, of Theobald Street, has been sentenced for two counts of theft from a shop.

The 35-year-old pleaded guilty to stealing Pokemon cards worth £21.98 from Waterstones on April 23, 2024, and taking items of meat worth £216 from Aldi with another defendant on May 9.

He received a community order that includes a three-month electronically-monitored curfew and a £200 fine.

WALCOT: Aaron Gleed, of Frobisher Drive, has been sentenced for theft from a shop.

The 34-year-old admitted to taking items of meat worth £216 from Aldi with another defendant on May 9.

He has been jailed for six months and two weeks because, court documents note, "the offence was committed during the operational period of a suspended sentence, and because the number and nature of the offences shows that the defendant is operating as a professional criminal".

SWINDON: A Swindon woman has been sentenced after her three children failed to attend school regularly.

The defendant, who will not be identified here to protect the identity of the school pupils, pleaded guilty to knowing that they wer failing to attend regularly at the school at which she was registered as a pupil, namely Swindon Academy, failed without reasonable justification to cause them to do so in October 2023.

She has been fined £120 and ordered to pay £100 in court costs plus £48 to fund victim services.