A new study which looked at road collision data has found that Swindon is in the top 10 UK areas where drivers are most likely to crash due to running a red light.

The data, which comes from the Home Office’s figures on road collisions caused by drivers disobeying traffic signals, has been analysed by personal injury experts at Claims.co.uk and the findings are particularly worrying for Swindon.

The town has been picked out for having some of the most dangerous drivers, with 5.85 crashes per 100,000 residents caused by drivers ignoring red traffic lights.

Although 5.85 may not sound like much, analysis of this data places Swindon eighth on the list of UK areas where drivers are most likely to cause a crash by running a red light.

However, it’s important to note that this data only looks at the crashes caused by running a red light, and does not record the overall number of drivers running a red light who did not crash.

Wiltshire has previously been noted as a hotspot for motoring offences, leading to the launch of Wiltshire Police's Project Zero in 2023, which aimed to crack down on all motoring offences.

Swindon Advertiser: Swindon ranked eight in the UK for the number of crashes caused by drivers ignoring traffic lights.Swindon ranked eight in the UK for the number of crashes caused by drivers ignoring traffic lights. (Image: Getty)

“Statistically the main offences that contribute to death and serious injury on the road are careless and dangerous driving, excess speed, mobile phones, not wearing a seatbelt and drink/drug driving," said Sergeant Will Ayers, from Wiltshire's Roads Policing Unit.

“Our aim, every day, is to keep our roads as safe as possible by targeting those who fail to abide by the law," added Sergeant Ben Cox.

Although Swindon makes it into the top 10, it was Westminster which takes the top spot, with 12.30 crashes due to ignored traffic lights per 100,000 people.

In second place was Doncaster, followed by Bradford, Wolverhampton, Southampton, Kensington and Chelsea, Bournemouth, Swindon, Southwark and Tower Hamlets.

Swindon Advertiser: Wiltshire Police's Roadside Policing Unit have been cracking down on dangerous and illegal driving.Wiltshire Police's Roadside Policing Unit have been cracking down on dangerous and illegal driving. (Image: Wiltshire Police)

“It’s interesting to discover that four out of the leading ten areas are based in London,” said a spokesperson for Claims.co.uk.

“This suggests that driving instructors in the city perhaps need to emphasise the importance of traffic lights and the dangers that can occur by disobeying them. 

“However, regardless of where drivers are located, it’s crucial that all citizens stop at red lights to ensure safety on the roads. Failing to do so doesn’t only impose risk to yourself, but also to other drivers.”

Areas near Swindon which also ranked in the top 100 list include Reading, which recorded 4.30 crashes per 100,000 people, Bristol which recorded 3.17, Bath which recorded 2.04, and Oxfordshire which recorded 1.49.