A Swindon school has achieved its best ever set of results in one of the most challenging youth maths competitions.

Lawn Manor Academy enjoyed the success in the Junior Maths Challenge, a national contest for Year 7 and 8 pupils.

The school put forward 47 pupils, 13 of whom came away with a bronze award, while six pocketed a silver award, and a further eight achieved gold.

By claiming gold, Year 7 pupils Joyel and Dale, and Year 8 pupils Esther, Myla, Ryan, Travis, Manasvi and James are among the top 10 per cent of young mathematicians in the country.

Laura Conroy, head of maths at Lawn Manor Academy, said: "We’re very proud of our pupils for doing so well at the Junior Maths Challenge.

"The paper is full of tricky problem-solving questions and so it challenges them to apply their learning in a very different approach to normal classwork.

"It’s definitely a challenge designed for those with a real love and thirst for maths and so to achieve such a great number of bronze, silver and gold awards is astounding."

She added: "We have some excellent young mathematicians in our classes, but even so we were blown away by how well everyone has done this year."