A 31-year-old sandwich shop in Old Town has gone up for sale.

The Baguette Bar on Prospect Place closed in February due to rising costs and fewer customers.

The premises have now appeared for sale by Whitmarsh Lockhart for £250,000 in the last week.

Before the building went on sale, owner Brenda Ronayne was selling off the contents. 

This included a chef figure in the window, the specials boards and even the wooden counter, which was being sold for £450.

The bar had its last day on March 2, when one customer, Tom Hudson, said: “When I heard it was closing I was more shocked than anything.

“Me and so many other people have leaned on this place for so long - to find out it is closing you cannot quite believe it.

“It’s eminently reliable, always good people, always good food; an institution is the best word for it.”

Lucy Hayes, staff member, said: “It’s a community, everyone is just so used to us being here. Even I used to come in here when I was little.

“What I am going to miss is the customers. People’s lives, people tell you stuff."

Then-owner, Brenda Ronayne, said: “Thank you everyone who has helped us over the last 31 years.”