A family from Swindon are taking part in a year-long fundraiser to raise money for a charity funding research into brain cancer treatments. 

In August 2023, Mike Shurmer was diagnosed with a grade 4 glioblastoma brain tumour and underwent treatment in Swindon, Oxford and London, where surgeons were able to remove all of the tumour.

Less than a year later, he has finished his sixth cycle of chemotherapy and he is one of 50 people in the UK having Optune therapy, which uses low-frequency electrical fields to disrupt cell division or kill cells within the tumour. 

The Brainstorm charity funds research into surgical treatment, to improve life expectancy with the disease, and the family are hoping to raise £12,000 over the year.

Swindon Advertiser: Mike Shurmer with wife TrinaMike Shurmer with wife Trina (Image: Sam Shurmer)

Mike’s daughter Sam Shurmer said: “We’re very fortunate for the journey we’ve had so far and we’re hopeful for the future. We want to give something back, help others and continue to raise awareness of this terrible disease.

“My brothers and I decided to do a fundraiser as we all have different strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, so rather than choose one event, we’ve gone with 12 - one for each month. Dad will also be taking part in event where he’s able to.” 

Their fundraising adventure began in January with a half marathon walk in London, followed by a high ropes course in Gloucester, a 10k in Henley on Thames, trekking the Pen Y Fan Mountain and a bootcamp event last month.

“The events have all gone really well so far. The walk in London was great and dad did this one with us while on chemo. The high ropes were very challenging, only my husband reached the top. We battled Pen Y Fan in the snow with the wind temperature reaching -9.

“But my personal favourite was Barry’s Bootcamp. Any events dad joins in with are special and it’s about making memories with him and putting a positive fix on something that can be quite daunting", Sam added.

“Our next event on Saturday, June 22 is a charity Golf Day at Shrivenham Park Golf Club, where we will also be holding a cake sale and raffle to boost our fundraising.

"Prizes will include donations from David Lloyd Gym, Jolly Roger’s, High Score Arcades, Beauty Treatments, Sugar Shack Voucher and many more. Any local companies who would like to donate to this raffle still can.”