The camp next to our was organised into a grid shape – like New York.

And the four tents cut quite a skyline – one for parents, one for kids, one spare, and one tall mystery tent skyscraper.

People went in, people came out. What was in this tall tent?, we wondered.

It was a toilet, its users, Kaitlin and Roisin, 23, revealed to us. “Our parents brought a portaloo, its great.”

Camps were neatly sectioned off into enclosures by windbreakers. Children with angelic faces ran between these, or sat reading books in the evening.

Wychwood in Cheltenham is not far from Reading and Glastonbury, but it is a long way from its festivals.

You assume that all festivals are festival of something.

Film festivals celebrate film, food festivals, food. Was Wychwood a celebration of music?

It did not bear the usual hallmarks of music festivals: crowds seemed placated, with pretty lacklustre dancing to the relatively small lineup.

With people taking all apparent measures to separate themselves from the usual grime associated with festivals, it seemed this was not even a festival for the love of festivals.

What was this a festival of then?

“It’s the best weekend of my year”, said Kaitlin. She has come for the last three years with her best friend and her family. Despite going to other festivals, always comes back here.

Wychwood says it is the “fastest growing family friendly festival” and this is a festival of family. It brings people together of all generations in a cohesive way rarely seen anywhere else.

Young children, adults and even teenagers all seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Unfortunately, this was not a festival for me. I did not have a family there, and was in fact one of the few early twenty-year-olds I saw.

The best acts were the first headliner, Sister Sledge, (you forget how many hits they have), and Texas.

Both managed to cajole the crowd into moving and dancing with them, at times by actively asking them to, mostly through the pure energy of their performances

It did not help that some of the performances, such as The Coral and Peter Hook and the Light were affected by tech issues.

One surprise hit was Thrill Collins – not a Phil Collins tribute band as expected, but a high energy covers band who got the crowd linking arms and spinning with strangers.

The music ended at 10.30, making it easy to get a good nights sleep. After this was a silent disco and an hour of comedy.

I would have preferred the comedy to be during the day, when there were lots of kids activities but not many for adults who fancied a change from music.  And outdoor nighttime standup is cold.

Wychwood is a relatively small festival, but for children there is tons to do. Craft activities, a museum of old games and a story tent were some of the options.

It was also in a beautiful setting, among the Cotswold hills but also benefitting from being right next to Cheltenham, making it easy to head out for supplies if necessary.

With the beautiful view and the peaceful campsite, just camping was one of the most enjoyable parts – and judging by the number of ear defenders on children, I think they would have agreed with me.

I enjoyed Wychwood - camping in the sun is always fun. This festival was not designed for young adults with their friends, and you can tell.

But for families wanting to get together for a weekend, Wychwood could be a great option.