Climate change is, of course, a major concern for the Green party going into the general elections.

But Rod Hebden - the party’s candidate for Swindon South - is as interested in economic matters.  Indeed, he says it's impossible to fix climate issues without fixing economic issues.

Dr Hebden, who has a PhD in engineering, runs his own consultancy business and is the chief executive of sports-induced concussion charity Love of the Game – but until July 4 he’s prioritising the election campaign.

Asked for his number one priority he says: “The Green Party has been talking about climate change for years – and we’re still the only one taking it seriously enough. The other parties, certainly Conservative and Labour, just keep kicking the can down the road.

“And we know that the longer we leave it before properly addressing the issue, the costs rise exponentially.

“Were the only party being honest with the voters.”

Invited to be honest with readers Dr Hebden says: “There are major issues, social economic, health issues that need fixing. The Conservatives have been running the country down over the last 14 years, pretending that everything can be done on the cheap.

“But there’s been a lack of investment, there’s a lack of investment in infrastructure, in transport, the NHS is on its knees. And the Conservatives are saying everything is fine, and Labour are so hemmed in with caution, they’re not going to change anything.”

Dr Hebden says the country has enough money to start solving its economic and environmental problems, but it’s in the ‘wrong place’.: “This is one of the richest countries in the world, but it’s also one of the most unequal.

“The ordinary working people are paying too much of a share of the taxes taken by the government. The Green Party has no plans to increase income tax or national insurance, the taxes paid by most of us.

“The really super wealthy, who are very much underpaying their share, don’t get most of their wealth from income. We will equalise Capital gains Tax, so it is paid at the same rate as income tax when people get money from their wealth. And we’ll close some NI loopholes the very wealthy use and there’ll be a one-off wealth tax on those making over £10 million a year, so only affecting the really super rich.

“This will realise £50 billion.”

Talking about addressing climate change Dr Hebden says: “The lowest carbon energy, is the energy you don’t use. Previous Green Party manifestoes had a commitment to insulating houses, making them more efficient, meaning they need less energy to heat.

“That would have helped people when the energy prices leapt a few years ago. But it wasn’t done. So it's in our manifesto again.

“We need to leave fossil fuels in the ground, and one of the best ways to do that is to reduce our need for energy, and insulating our homes is a good way to start.”

Regarding Swindon Dr Hebden says: “It’s got a great history of innovation and entrepreneurship and it’s the centre for technological advance in the country with UK Research and Innovation based here. Nobody else has that.

“Swindon is well-placed to be at the centre of the conversation, and to have a strong voice in leading and sharing research and technology that will change the world - medical research, AI, things like that.

He concludes: “The Green MP Caroline Lucas was acknowledged as the hardest working MP. If there were two or three of us we could hold the Labour government to account, raise issues, and press the government.

“A Labour win is inevitable, so people don’t have to vote tactically this time. They can vote for a Green MP to work for Swindon.”

Other candidates in Swindon South are  Heidi Alexander for Labour Party, Robert Buckland for the Conservative Party, Martin Costello an Independent candidate, Catherine Kosidowski for Reform UK and Matthew David McCabe for the Liberal Democrats.