A hairdresser in Swindon has launched her own ‘silent appointments’ for socially awkward customers who would rather skip the chit-chat.

Not only are hairdressers trained in hair, but many of them are also the masters of small talk, having to repeat the same ‘going anywhere nice on holiday?’ question multiple times a day.

But according to Gemma Yallop from Red's Hairdressing, this can put a lot of customers off coming to the salon, particularly those who struggle with social interaction.

That’s exactly why she’s transformed her chair inside Platinum Hair Salon in Gorse Hill into a safe place for customers who can opt out of the small talk.

Gemma is one of the only hairdressers in Swindon offering the option to switch off the chitchat.Gemma is one of the only hairdressers in Swindon offering the option to switch off the chitchat. (Image: Gemma Yallop)

“In my personal experience growing up, I would always hate sitting there and having that awkward small talk. I’d just rather read my book” she told the Swindon Advertiser.

“I also have a lot of customers with autism, ADHD or mental health struggles, so I want to make sure my chair at the salon was a safe and inclusive space.

“I do a lot of colourful, vivid hair and so I want people to be able to express themselves through their hair if they lack confidence in their speech.”

Not only can customers pre-book a silent appointment, but Gemma has also set up miniature boards on her mirror with the words ‘chill’ on one side and ‘chat’ on the other so customers can indicate their preference or even switch between the two.

Gemma hopes to help those who aren't too confident with social interaction to feel confident in their hair.Gemma hopes to help those who aren't confident with social interaction to feel confident in their hair. (Image: Gemma Yallop)

“It can be nice as it gives me a chance to chill out a bit as well and focus entirely on the hair. Not many people realise it can get overwhelming for the hairdresser constantly talking too,” Gemma added.

“I pride myself on making sure that everybody’s welcome. I have a gender-neutral pricing list and I just take the awkwardness out of everything.”

Currently, the inclusive hairdresser rents a chair in Red’s salon and is only able to offer silent appointments on Wednesdays, but Gemma hopes that this could one day expand.

"The goal is to have my salon so I can offer this all the time, and I would encourage other salons to do it," she said.

"So many people avoid going to the hair salon because of the small talk, and it's so important to make everyone feel comfortable and welcomed."