A shoplifter with 107 previous convictions for theft and banned from nearly every store in Swindon has been jailed.

Christopher DeSantos, of Clive Parade, returned to Swindon Magistrates' Court to be sentenced for his most recent four offences.

The 35-year-old stole £360 worth of electric razors from Asda on April 26, shoplifted goods worth £300 from Vision Express on Regent Street on May 4, took property worth £120 from HMV on May 7, and left B&M Bargains on May 9 without paying for items worth £350.

After his previous hearing on May 13, he had been banned from every betting shop in the town as well as every retailer other than the Premier Store near his home.

DeSantos used to steal to fund a Class A drug habit but was now clean, though he had since developed a gambling problem.

The defendant also changed his plea from not guilty to guilty regarding the assault by beating of a woman in the Vision Express on Regent Street on May 4, 2024, and must pay her £100 in compensation.

He has been jailed for 16 weeks due to the number of thefts committed in a short space of time whilst on post-sentence supervision and his long record of previous similar offending together with the high amount of goods taken.