The saga of an abandoned community centre in Swindon continues. 

Nythe Community Centre has sat unused for several years but its fate appeared to have been sealed when Swindon Borough Council earmarked it for demolition. This move was recently approved by the local authority's planning team and will now be going ahead

But there is a glimmer of hope for those looking to reopen the run-down building, as a petition has been started by two local councillors in a bid to save it. 

In it, Conservaties Barbara and Kevin Parry wrote: "We wish to save Nythe Community Centre and are extremely disappointed to hear of the decision to demolish the existing building.  

"The community centre is a valuable and highly valued community facility which has been sorely missed since it has been out of operation, causing a detrimental impact to the health and wellbeing of Nythe residents, including isolation."

The petition calls for Swindon Borough Council, who own the community centre land, to hand it over to the Nythe, Eldene and Liden Parish Council, for which Cllr Kevin Parry is chair. 

It has also asked for Swindon Borough Council to pay £20,000 to repair the building.

The Parrys added: "The borough council currently holds control over the land on which the Community Centre stands.  Unfortunately, this places the future of the centre under uncertainty. 

"We believe that transferring ownership to the parish council would ensure a return of this essential hub remains and one again becomes accessible to all who need it."

In approved planning documents for the building's demolition, its current condition has been cited as the reason why it needs to be knocked down. 

The documents said: “The single Pratten hut was used as a small community centre with a communal space and toilets but has not been in use for over two years due to the poor condition of the roof.

"The larger Pratten building was used as a youth and community centre and was vacated in 2023 due to its overall poor condition and state of repair.

“All of the buildings are now life expired and beyond economic repair to bring them up to modern standards hence the decision to demolish them before they deteriorate any further and become  health and safety risk.”

The existing car parking areas, hardstands, grassed areas, trees and hedges will remain.

More than 300 people have signed the petition so far.