Swindonians who want to vote in the upcoming general election have just days left to register if they have not already.

Anyone who is not registered should fill in the short online form on www.gov.uk/register-to-vote by midnight on Tuesday, June 18.

Voters must bring an acceptable form of photo ID to the polling station on Thursday, July 4. Further information on accepted IDs is on Swindon Borough Council’s swindon.gov.uk website.

Those without an accepted form of ID should apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate via www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate by 5pm on June 26.

The deadline for postal vote applications is also approaching fast – they must be submitted via www.gov.uk/apply-postal-vote by 5pm on Wednesday, June 19.

If electors apply for a postal vote between Friday, May 31, and the deadline, their postal vote will be sent out to them on Wednesday, June 26.

Anyone planning to vote by post who will be away before Friday, June 28, until the general election itself is strongly advised to appoint a proxy - a trusted individual votes on behalf of the elector – instead, as they may not receive their vote in time. These applications must be submitted via www.gov.uk/apply-proxy-vote by 5pm on Wednesday, June 26.

Electors who are voting by post are encouraged to return their postal vote via Royal Mail. If a voter is planning to hand-deliver their postal vote, new election rules mean that completed postal vote packs can no longer be hand delivered to the letterbox outside the Civic Offices in Euclid Street and require a 'postal vote return' form to be completed.

Postal forms must only be hand delivered to the Civic Offices reception during office hours (9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday), with the postal vote return form completed.

Postal votes can also be hand delivered at polling stations on election day, with the postal vote return form completed. Failure to complete the postal vote return form when hand-delivering a postal vote will mean the vote is rejected.

The council's acting returning officer Sam Mowbray said: “It's important that everyone who wishes to vote in the upcoming general election is prepared.

“With the deadlines fast approaching, now is the time to make sure you're registered to vote and have the necessary photo ID if planning to vote at a polling station.

“The poll card provides detailed information on what photo ID is required.

“We want to make sure every eligible elector has the opportunity to participate in the election if they wish to.”