A woman has told a court of the impact receiving hundreds of messages from her ex-partner has had on her. 

George Walley has been convicted of two counts of criminal damage, harassment and possession of a fold-in knife and was sentenced to a community order at Swindon Magistrates' Court. 

The 28-year-old, of Pen Close, Swindon, had been in a relationship with the victim that had broken down after he was allegedly caught committing an infidelity. 

He then bombarded his ex-partner with hundreds of messages over several days in February this year, before turning up to her home and damaging her window sill on the 16th.  

The police were called on the same day and after he was arrested he caused £77 worth of damage to a pillow while in custody.

Prosecutor Keith Ballinger read out a victim impact statement which said: "I constantly think someone is outside my house knocking on the door.

"I need to constantly have friends and family at the house, and I don’t like going out without company"

She added that she was 'fearful' of what Walley, who is the father of her child, might do. 

Miss Harriet Heard, defending, said: "It’s clear that this stems from a breakdown of a relationship.

She added: "His messages were not abusive, but persistent and upsetting."

Miss Heard also pointed out that when he was arrested he was also carrying a watch he intended to give to the victim which contained a message that 'to mummy, I love you millions, from your little lump.'

She said: "He wanted to give her a present as if from her baby son to show what a good mum he was being, he certainly bore no ill-will towards her."

Walley, who has not seen his son since the arrest, was already given a non-molestation order that would last 12 months, with magistrates deciding that was sufficient and there was no need for a restraining order. 

They added: "We start with possession of a bladed article – this is the most serious offence and is something that we take very seriously, we could send you to prison today for that, that alone, but we're not going to do that, we're going to tie all of your sentences together

"The harassment is also taken very seriously. You made quite a difference to [the victim's] life, affecting her confidence and her anxiety."

Walley was sentenced to a 12-month community order, 15 rehab requirement days and 180 hours of unpaid work.

He was also ordered to pay £77 in compensation to Wiltshire Police for the damaged pillow, and further court costs of £199.