Amazon could be looking to construct a 500ft tall wind turbine at its huge warehouse in Swindon.

The internet commerce giant has requested a screening opinion from Swindon Borough Council planning officers on whether it needs to provide an environmental impact assessment for a wind turbine in Laines Way in Gablecross.

Such a request is very often a precursor to a full planning application, and indeed the opinion request says it has been made with a view to submitting such an application.

And it’s clear that the company is planning a very large turbine in a bid to generate its own electricity.

It says: “The development would consist of the construction and operation of a singular wind turbine, with a base-to-tip measurement of up to 152m and associated infrastructure including, but not limited to, an access track and a hardstanding area.”

The company added that it wanted to produce its own energy as it is trying to make its own operations net zero in terms of carbon emissions by 2040: “Motivated by the urgency of climate change, Amazon co-founded ‘The Climate Pledge’ in 2019, committing to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2040.

“Since then, Amazon has made significant progress toward powering their operations with 100 per cent renewable energy and are on track to meet this goal by 2025, five years ahead of plan.

The company told planners that it was unable to put solar panels on its roof at the site in Swindon despite having wanted to and ad also been granted planning permission: ”Amazon is now seeking other renewable energy generation methods such as the installation of a single wind turbine.

“Wind energy is an abundant natural resource. It is non-polluting, clean, and sustainable. The UK has one of Europe’s windiest climates and therefore wind energy is an important element in achieving the UK Government’s commitment to reduce 80 per cent of the total carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. This proposal will help to move towards these targets and will benefit the wider community.”

As the application as submitted is simply a request for the opinion of planners, comments by neighbours and other interested parties are not sought.

There will be an opportunity for comments on the full planning application if, and when it is made.

Swindon Borough Council’s website says the decision on whether an environmental impact assessment is needed should be made by June 24.