Proposals to use an empty security hut as a takeaway food vendor have been approved – but only at the fourth time of asking.

Businessman M Guvercin applied three times to be able to change the use of the hut on North Latham Road, just off Thamesdown Drive, to a takeaway business.

The hut was last used when the development that now features an Aldi supermarket, the David Lloyd sports club and offices and restaurants were being built.

Mr Guvercin’s previous applications were refused for a variety of reasons, including lack of parking, causing issues on the road, and the lack of access by foot. There is already permission for a takeaway van to be sited in the lay-by where the hut is sited.

But the applicant’s patience has now been rewarded.

Mr Guvercin has proposed using some of the green land behind the hut as a small car park, and addressed the pedestrian access by offering to have a crossing of North Latham Road.

That cleared away the last objection from council officers and the plan to convert the boat-shaped building to provide a kitchen and service area for customers can go ahead.