The following cases were heard at Swindon Magistrates' Court this week.

SWINDON: The parents of two children who failed to attend school regularly has been sentenced.

Magistrates proved that the father, who cannot be identified so as to protect the identity of the youth involved, that his son an daughter did not attend lessons between October 2023 and January 2024.

The defendant was not present at this hearing.

He received fines totaling £440 - £220 per child – and must also pay £250 in court costs as well as £176 to fund victim services.

Separately, the mother of both children - who also did not appear in the dock - was sentenced for the same offences.

She must pay fines totaling £660 - £330 per child – as well as £250 in court costs plus £264 to fund victim services.

SWINDON: The parents of an eight-year-old who failed to regularly attend school have been sentenced.

The mother and father, who cannot be identified so as to protect the identity of the youth involved, each pleaded guilty to allowing their child to miss school during May and June 2023.

The defendants have been conditionally discharged for 12 months and ordered to pay £26 each to fund victim services.

MOTORWAY: Mohammad Ahmed, of Ealdham Square in Eltham, Greenwich, has been sentenced for a driving offence.

The 33-year-old pleaded not guilty but was later found guilty of driving an Audi Q7 along the M4 near Swindon on May 9, 2023, while using a handheld mobile phone.

He received six penalty points on his driving licence and must pay a fine of £196 as well as £650 in court costs plus £78 to fund victim services.

SWINDON: Peter Lusty, of no fixed abode, has been sentenced for assault by beating.

The 35-year-old pleaded guilty to hitting a woman in Swindon on March 17, 2024.

He must pay a fine of £80 as well as £85 in court costs plus £32 to fund victim services.

DEVIZES: Timothy Cooper, of Flax Mill Park, has been sentenced for an offence.

The 41-year-old pleaded guilty to remaining on premises – namely 23 Sheep Street – on May 25, 2024, in contravention of a closure order on the property that had been made by Swindon Magistrates' Court on March 1, 2024.

He must pay a fine of £40 as well as £16 to fund victim services, which will be deducted from his benefits.