A Swindon thief has been sentenced to 16 weeks in prison for theft, vehicle interference and drug offences.

Michael McDonagh, 45, of Victoria Road, was sentenced at Swindon Magistrates' Court on Friday, June 7 for two counts of theft from a motor vehicle, one count of vehicle interference and possession of a class A drug (cocaine). 

Police received reports of a man acting suspiciously around parked cars in the Kingshill area on Wednesday, June 5 and theft from west Swindon.

PC Pawlowski said: “We were alerted to suspicious behaviour in the Kingshill area of Swindon on Wednesday evening. When officers arrived the suspect had left the scene but McDonagh was recognised when watching CCTV back.

“He was arrested later that night in another residential estate. When he was arrested multiple bank cards in different names were found on him.

"I’d like to take this opportunity to remind people to remove their belongings from vehicles, secure their vehicles as best they can and if possible invest in home security, such as CCTV or doorbell cameras.”