It will be as easy for drivers of electric cars and vans to ‘fill up’ with fuel as it is for those driving petrol or diesel-powered vehicles at a garage in Swindon.

That's because Motor Fuel Group has been given permission to build what is essentially a small EV-charging station on the site of the existing Shell filling station on Marlborough Road.

It will create a canopy-covered charging zone with parking spaces arrayed at five chargers at the back of the site further from the road.

Access and egress will be from the same entrance and exits as already used by the cars using the petrol station.

The application said: “Motor Fuel Group is to make it as easy to charge your vehicle as re-fuelling with petrol or diesel. The aspiration of Motor Fuel Group is to provide access to convenient and affordable charging, regardless of where the driver lives.

“The proposals will enhance the existing offer at the service station, without compromising the efficient operation of the facility.

“In terms of design, the proposed EV charging area has been carefully planned to positively integrate with the existing service station operation. The charging facility offers a modern design approach, which is uncluttered and fit for purpose.”