'All operations' could finish for good at Swindon's Abbey Stadium, planning documents. 

A 'deed of variation' letter - only recently made public by Swindon Borough Council on a planning application filed on behalf of Gaming International - shows the owners of the Blunsdon venue are seeking to remove conditions that were previously imposed around the continuation of speedway and greyhound racing there.

The letter, which was dated June 2023 but published this month, asks the council to change planning requirements it had imposed on Gaming International and partner Taylor Wimpey in a s106 agreement to allow new houses to be built around the stadium.

It said: "Further to discussions with officers over the past nine months, the stadium has now permanently ceased the operation of motorsport, and later this year will cease all its operations.

"As such, a variation to the s106 agreement is necessary to take account of a different approach to the delivery of the final element of the regeneration of the area.

"Whilst this will ultimately be delivered by a fresh planning consent on the site, until then, it is necessary for the clauses associated with the current consent to reflect the reality of the position with regards to implementation."

(Image: Dave Cox) The venue was the home of the successful Swindon Robins speedway team and greyhound racing for many years but has been the subject of much controversy in recent months. 

The latest development follows rumours that greyhound racing would be ending at Abbey Stadium.

In September 2022, Gaming International were forced to deny rumours that the stadium was closing, with commenters on speedway and greyhound racing forums stating they had been told the last day of operations would be December 26.

A trainer said they had also been told their last meeting would be December 22. 

In response at the time, Clarke Osborne, chairman of Gaming International, said; “We have no idea from where this rumour has emanated or why, but it is without foundation.”

Soon afterwards, the stadium's association with Swindon Speedway came to an end

(Image: Dave Cox)

Schedule 1 point 5 of the original S106 agreement between the council and Gaming International and Taylor Wimpey said: “The second owner (Gaming International) covenants to ensure continuous operation of the speedway and greyhound racing on the Second Owner’s part of the land throughout the milestones. “

Swindon Speedway left the Abbey Stadium in 2022.

A planning application filed in June 2023, but only made public in February this year, has asked for the council to withdraw its requirement for speedway racing and greyhound racing to continue. 

The milestones referred to in this planning condition refer to a list of construction checkpoints that needed to be completed before Taylor Wimpey could go ahead with the housing development.

Gaming International was required to build a new stadium building, racing pit, kennels and sound barrier, which it says has been done.

Taylor Wimpey also says these milestones have been achieved, which is why houses have been built and are currently for sale.

After concerns were raised by members of the public, Swindon Borough Council began an investigation and is now consulting its legal team to see if there have been any breaches of planning requirements

Council leader Jim Robbins has also publicly committed that the planning use of the building would remain as designated for leisure, meaning that homes would not be able to be built on the stadium land

Earlier this month, documents filed on Companies House showed that a loan deal between Gaming International and Legal and General Affordable Homes had been made, with the building as collateral if the money was not repaid.