An Airbus A400 Atlas was seen dropping a payload of parachuted items over Wiltshire recently. 

Wiltshire is often the home to military exercises and recent photos from a Swindon and Wiltshire Camera Club member have captured some of the training in action. 

The huge military plane dropped its load in the skies above Salisbury Plain, with regular camera club contributor Nick Stinger Nett there to see it happen on Monday morning. 

(Image: Nick Stinger Nett)

On top of the aerial display, Nick also observed soldiers on the ground carrying out their own exercise - crossing the River Avon. 

He said: "All action on Salisbury Plain this morning with the RAFs Airbus A400-M Atlas dropping a payload and the Royal Engineer Commandos bridging the River Avon with a medium girder bridge."

(Image: Nick Stinger Nett) While military exercises are a common occurrence on Salisbury Plain, other more unusual parts of the county have been used in the last year or so.

In April, SAS Helicopters were spotted flying above Swindon as part of a week of exercises that were being carried out. 

And the closed Debenhams store in Swindon town centre was also used by the British army for training scenarios in November 2023.