The father of a Westbury window cleaner who suffered severe injuries after a 33,000-volt shock from an overhead power line says his son’s life has been 'completely changed'.

John Knight says his son, Jason, is now recovering from Operation 21 – a 10.5-hour major operation to help save his legs from amputation.

Jason is currently recovering from the operation on Thursday, June 20 at the Southmead Hospital in Bristol and has just taken his first steps.

Mr Knight said: “Excuse the pun, but it is amazing how your whole life can change in a flash.

“One minute everything is going swimmingly and you have got your own business, you’re healthy and you’re fit and everything is going great and the next minute it is all over.

“We’ll see what happens. It will be one of these cases where my poor boy will be left penniless and it is going to be down to me and his mum to do what we can.”

Jason Knight is hoping to be allowed home once his house can be adapted for his disabilities.Jason Knight is hoping to be allowed home once his house can be adapted. (Image: John Knight)

Mr Knight was giving an update on Jason’s health following the major operation to help save his legs from amputation.

Teams of surgeons spent 10.5 hours performing a complete reconstruction by taking flesh and skin grafts from his thighs to fill the gaps in his legs.

Jason has lost his left forearm and five toes, and the shock of the blast burned through his tendons and flesh leaving gaps.

“They have filled the legs by putting the flesh back in where it was missing and he had blood supplies taken from different parts of the legs to keep the new flesh alive.”

Mr Knight says surgeons have decided not to put any metal pins in Jason’s feet because he has been through enough and he has been treated for a recent skin infection.

Instead, they have fitted Jason with some special boots to allow his feet to bear his weight.

“The boots will have a bigger area on which to walk and he has taken his first steps since the operation,” John said.

“Surgically, there is nothing more they can do now. They are looking to send him home but his house is not ready.”

Jason Knight has been forced to let go his window cleaning business. Jason Knight has been forced to let go his window cleaning business. (Image: Knight Family)

Jason, his wife Sara, and their three children live in a three-storey mid-terrace townhouse in Westbury which needs to be adapted for his needs.

“It’s the worst possible house for him to live in with his disabilities. He has got two flights of steps to go up and the only way he can access it is through the garage.”

Mr Knight says the family will be unable to move as they are only halfway through a mortgage and Jason is now unable to work as a window cleaner after having to let the business go.

Jason was hit by a ‘lightning’ flash from overhead power lines while he was cleaning windows at the back of a house.

The 33,000-volts ‘arced’ over a three-metre gap to the carbon-fibre water-fed pole that he was using.

When he put his hand on the unsheathed part, the blast went through his left arm and down through his body to his feet.

A fundraising campaign launched by his sister Leanne Haskell at the time of writing has raised nearly £33,750 towards its £100,000 target, which will be used for his rehabilitation.

In the meantime, several fundraising events are taking place in July and August.

They include a family fun day hosted by Mark and Angela Wilding for Jason’s Cause at Great Cheverell on Saturday, July 20 from 10am to 3pm.

To donate to Jason’s Cause, go to