Children at a nursery in Swindon have raised hundreds of pounds through a litter pick.

Windmill Hill Day Nursery children raised £825 for the British Heart Foundation through the activity with the support of sponsors.

The children tidied up at community areas and green spaces near the nursery and spoke about the importance of taking care of the planet, as well as helping others and showing kindness.

The collected litter was then sorted back at the nursery.

Windmill Hill deputy manager, Kayleigh Blaylock, said: "We are so proud of the children for raising such an incredible amount of money this amazing cause and showing so much enthusiasm towards giving back to others.

"This was not only a fantastic opportunity for our little ones to explore their local area, but also helps to encourage the golden values that we are teaching them back inside the nursery."

Initiatives like this have seen Windmill Hill awarded the Green Flag with Distinction as part of the international eco-schools programme.

It is the highest accolade on offer and is awarded for showing exceptional environmental awareness and conservation practices.

Windmill Hill Day Nursery has adopted the British Heart Foundation for a year-long fundraising and awareness drive.