The contribution of the armed forces to Britain, and to Swindon, was honoured by the council on Saturday.

For Armed Forces Day  this year the council invited the commanders of the borough’s three  army units: B company, 7 Battalion The Rifles; 280 Movement Squadron of 162 Regiment of the Royal Logistics Corps, and 158 Theatre Support Company of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers to a ceremony of appreciation at the Civic Offices in Euclid Street.

Also invited were children from 1st Haydon Wick Rangers, 1st Greenmeadow Guides and  2nd Swindon Penhill Scouts.

The Mayor of Swindon Imtiyaz Shaikh said: “We commemorated the men and women who make up the armed forces community, from currently serving personnel to service families, veterans and cadets.

Swindon has a proud military history, where many of the brave soldiers from the Wiltshire regiment who fought in both world wars, hailed from Swindon.

It gave me a great pleasure to award,  for the first time ever, Town Honours to our local reservist regiments. Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for Swindon.

A huge thank you to Vince Ayris Ltd for the wonderful awards and thank you to all the children who attended.

Among the attendees were Councillor Will Stone, who is the borough council’s armed forces champion, and who is also the Labour party candidate for Swindon North in the general election.

His presence was balanced by that of Sir Robert Buckland, the Conservative candidate for Swindon South.

Cllr Stone, himself a former Rifleman, said: “It was an absolute honour to have attended the first ever Armed Forces day presenting of town honours to our fantastic local reservist regiments. Massive thank you to all of the people who made it such a special day.

Mr Buckland aid: “It was great to take a break from campaigning earlier today to attend Swindon’s Armed Forces Day festivities. Always a pleasure to celebrate those who have done so much to serve our country.

“Whether deployed on operations and exercises at home or abroad, our UK Armed Forces work tirelessly 24/7, 365 days a year on critical operations to protect the UK and our people.

“I am deeply proud of the continuing role of our Armed Forces in our national life. Let us honour those who serve now, and our veterans, who gave so much to make sure our county is safe for the next generation.”

A full list of candidates in both constituencies is available at