A man shoved his own grandmother into a doorframe while she was trying to calm him down.

Levi Iles, 26, who admitted he had done a similar act before, also spat at his grandmother and later a police officer.

He pleaded guilty in Swindon Magistrates Court on July 2 to assault by beating, assault of an emergency worker and criminal damage.

The argument began around 10pm on July 1 at Norman Road, Gorse Hill where his grandmother lives.

Adam Cooper, prosecuting, explained Iles was complaining about how he had no money and his grandma tried to calm him down by placing an arm across his chest.

But Iles pushes her across the landing, hitting her head against the doorframe giving her a lump on her head.

The police were called to whom Iles was said to be aggressive and very defensive.

“Spitting is something he does quite a lot it seems”, said Mr Cooper.

Iles spat towards a police officer but apparently missed. He also spat in the back of the police van once arrested. 

The magistrate summarised: “A very close family member has been assaulted in their own home while trying to help him.”

Iles, who has nine convictions for 20 previous offences, admitted: “I did a similar thing a couple of years ago.”

Wiltshire 999 reported that on January 25, 2022, Iles put a knife to his grandma, hit his grandad and spat on the pet tortoise 

He later choked the grandmother, punched his grandad, ripped a door off its hinges and threw a TV on the floor before stealing and crashing his grandparent’s car.

It is reported that police who responded to a 999 call found a small amount of cocaine in the house.

At the sentencing for those crimes on August 25, it was reported Iles was crying and “appalled at his behaviour”, apologising to his grandparents.

At the latest hearing, it was heard that the grandma is clear she does not want Iles to return to her address but she does not want to sever contact. The judge worried “she could be exposed to the risk of his anger”.

Iles will be sentenced on August 8 at Swindon Magistrates Court.

He was released on conditional bail. One condition is to attend a meeting with the probation service on July 25. The second condition is not to go to the grandmother’s address.