A woman who has been living in the same council house in Swindon for over two decades has criticised the council for their slow response to maintenance issues.

Marie Bell has lived in Toothill since 2001 and says there was a problem with mould and a leaking shower when she first moved in, and the persistent leak has now caused the ceiling to collapse.

She claims correspondence with Swindon Borough Council has been poor and when contractors do visit, they have the wrong parts or cannot do the repairs there and then, so she is always left waiting.

Marie said: “I just think the council should have an interest in their assets. It’s their property, they should want to preserve it.

“The ceiling was rotting and someone came out to say the ceiling wouldn’t fall through, but I came back from Oxford to find the ceiling was downstairs, then I waited six weeks for someone to come and tell me I need a new ceiling. I have a problem with asbestos, which they haven’t done anything about.

“It was the first time I just cried over the situation, I walked in and water was everywhere. The leak was there when I moved in 23 years ago and it was passed off as moisture from the emersion pipes.

“You sit on the phone for an hour to the council to be given six weeks for someone to attend the property.

"And you also have to sit at home all day, they turn up when they want and go when they want. The contractors are always changing and your housing officer used to be the person to go to, now they don’t even respond.

“They didn’t treat the mould when I first moved in, I paid for a tin of special paint to try and suppress the mould myself.

She added: “There’s still a fault with the shower - it’s not aligned, the shower curtain is a trip hazard, the water is scolding hot and the work is shoddy. Luckily my mum lives down the road and I keep going to hers for a shower.”

A spokesperson for Swindon Borough Council said: “We don’t discuss individual cases in the media and are liaising directly with our tenant on this matter.

“Our housing officers will carefully consider the issues and ensure the necessary repairs are completed in a timely manner.”