A man who is banned by law from entering a house in Swindon was found by police hiding in the corner of one of the rooms.

Anwar Khan, 43, pleaded guilty to breaking the closure order which banned him from entering a flat in Twickenham Close, Swindon on June 15.

Mr Adam Cooper, prosecuting, explained that police were called to the flat by neighbours who heard lots of people.

He said: “Quite straight forward, Khan was in there.”

Mr Cooper said Khan was found “hiding in the corner of the room” where there was clothing piled high. 

(Image: Newsquest)

The defence, represented by Mr McCarthy, said Khan went to his friends in the early hours of the morning because he was without accommodation.

As well as Khan, another woman, Kathleen Shiel of Belsay, Toothill, breached the closure order at the same address on the same day.

She was also accused of not paying an £8.40 taxi fare she owed but failed to appear at Swindon Magistrates Court on July 2. A warrant was put out for her arrest without bail.

Khan, who has 27 offences going back “a great number of years”, and already owes the courts money was sentenced to a £61 fine, £24 surcharge and no costs - a total of £85.