A man who claims he cannot remember police completing drink driving papers had the cause of his forgetfulness questioned.

William Pitt, 26, appeared in Swindon Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, July 2 accused of driving with 78mg of alcohol in his bloodstream.

His defence, Mr Ogunshakin, claimed Pitt could not remember an MGDDA being completed.

An MGDDA, or drink-drive form, is a 20-page document which contains legal information to be given to a suspect during the breath test procedure.

The form is used as evidence in court to convict someone of drink driving. Mr Ogunshakin said: “He cannot remember forms being read out to him or completed.”

However, Mr Adam Cooper, prosecuting, believed it to be a “straightforward” case of drink driving.

Officers completed a roadside breath test on Pitt and another test back at the police station, both of which were over the legal driving limit.

This led the magistrate to ask: “Does he not remember it because he was so drunk?”

In the end, Pitt was sentenced to a £415 fine, £166 surcharge and £85 in costs.

He is banned from driving for 18 months, reduced if he completes a driving course.