A KEY ROUNDABOUT in Cirencester will undergo a major overhaul next month to improve traffic flow.

The roundabout on the dual carriageway in Cirencester, closest to the Fire Station, along with the mini-roundabout at the junction of Love Lane and Midland Road, will undergo a major overhaul from the end of next month to improve traffic capacity and flows.

The work will begin on Monday, July 29. 

It will last for approximately eight months and be carried out in phases to minimise the impact, with work starting with the mini-roundabout on Midland Road.

The aims for the changes are to improv traffic flows with reduced queues to the roundabout and within the immediate area.

Bathurst Development, as master developers for the new neighbourhood at The Steadings, has appointed Montel Civil Engineering from Worcester to carry out the works.  

These form part of Bathurst Development’s programme of investment and infrastructure improvements within the local area, which are set out within the s106 agreements. 

The Midland Road / Love Lane junction improvements include the creation of a two-lane entry from Midland Road onto the mini roundabout.

On the main Fire Station roundabout, improvements will be made to the create a drainage basin in the central island, to mitigate flooding issues.

This island will be reduced in size to create extra lanes on the roundabout.

The existing verge will be reduced to create a three-lane entry from Midland Road onto the roundabout, and traffic lights will be introduced to ease traffic flow.

Improvements will also be made for pedestrians and cyclists through the refurbishment of the existing subway, the introduction of new at grade crossings on the eastern and southern arms of the roundabout, and the existing footpaths will be resurfaced.

Peter Cusdin, development director for The Steadings, said: “We appreciate the improvement works will cause some disruption, for which we do apologise in advance for the inconvenience this will cause.

"We are confident this investment will deliver a much easier and safer experience for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians in this busy area.

"The enhanced layout of the roundabout will improve traffic flow, improve safety, reduce queues and the associated pollution of congestion, and help mitigate flooding.

"BDL is working successfully with Montel on the construction of the access road within phase 2 of The Steadings. 

"The contractor works to high standards. 

"They have experience of complex projects and a depth of local knowledge and understanding.”

In the week commencing Monday, June 24  some trees will be removed from the centre of the roundabout in preparation for the flood mitigation work.

Some trees are being retained and will be protected during the works. 

Bathurst Development has appointed an ecologist to be present on site with a watching brief whilst any works to the trees are undertaken.

Trees will not be removed if they have any nesting birds or other protected species present.

Signage will be provided in the vicinity while work is being carried out on both footpaths and roads.

Progress updates will be posted to The Steadings website: thesteadingscirencester.co.uk/news