A man who lost a front wheel after hitting parked cars continued to drive his three-wheeled BMW home.

Daniel Gebrigsabhair, 40, of Broad Street, Swindon, crashed into the cars on Gladstone Street on October 21 before getting back in and driving home.

He pleaded guilty to driving a motor vehicle dangerously at Swindon Magistrates Court on July 3.

Mr Adam Cooper, prosecuting, said: “This is a very clear case of dangerous driving, crashing into a series of parked cars to the extent his wheel has come off and continuing to drive all the way home”.

Three cars were damaged, one being placed into a dangerous undrivable condition.

Mr Gordon Hotson, defending, argued the wheel came off first, causing Gebrigsabhair to crash into one car, which then rammed into another.

He said residents came onto the street and were abusive to him and one threatened to stab him.

Mr Hotson said: “This is why he made the foolish decision to leave the scene in his now three-wheeled BMW. He accepts this was dangerous.”

The drive from the scene of the crash to the defendant's home was calculated by Mr Hotson to only be about 200 yards.

Police who arrived reported Gebrigsabhair as intoxicated, and he tested positive on an alcohol test. 

Gebrigsabhair says he drank once he got home to calm his nerves, and the police did not charge him for drink-driving.

He was given a 24-week prison sentence, suspended for 18 months. 

He must complete 180 hours of unpaid work within 12 months and is banned from driving for 12 months until an extended test has been passed.

According to court records, the sentence was suspended to “allow the defendant to continue with his employment which together with working with probation greatly increases the prospects of rehabilitation and reduces risks of re-offending”.