The following cases were heard at Swindon Magistrates' Court over the last week.

SWINDON: Kerry Adair, of Roadside in Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire, has been sentenced for drug driving.

The 44-year-old pleaded guilty to driving a Ford Kuga along Marlborough Road on March 28, 2021, while having 26 micrograms of cocaine and 800 micrograms of Benzoylecgonine per litre of blood in her system without having a driving licence.

She has been banned from driving for 24 months, fined £200, and ordered to pay £85 in court costs plus £34 to fund victim services.

SWINDON: Barlomiej Smedra, of Sherborne Road in Bournemouth, has been sentenced for criminal damage.

The 42-year-old pleaded guilty to causing £35 worth of damage to a Wiltshire Police custody cell on July 3, 2024, and indicated a plea of guilty to failing to comply with notification requirements on the sex offenders register by failing to present himself at Bournemouth Police Station to register his address on June 11, 2024.

He must pay a £40 fine and court costs of £85.

TOOTHILL: Martin Burrows, of Kirkstall Close, has been sentenced for thefts from a shop.

The 45-year-old pleaded guilty to stealing goods worth £29.50 from Tesco in Toothill on May 22, 2024, and taking goods worth £37.65 from the same supermarket on May 17, 2024.

He received a community order that requires him to carry out six months of drug rehabilitation treatment and attend up to 20 rehabilitation activity days as well as pay £67.15 in compensation.

TOOTHILL: Paul Gaff, of Kirkstall Close, has been sentenced for theft from a shop.

The 46-year-old pleaded guilty to stealing five manga books worth £240 from the Swindon Waterstones on May 13, 2024.

He must pay back the value of the stolen goods in compensation.

TOWN CENTRE: Henry Gbadebo, of Moira Terrace in Cardiff, has been sentenced for driving offences.

The 34-year-old pleaded guilty to driving a Ford Focus along Corporation Street without a valid licence or insurance on June 16, 2024, and failing to provide a breath sample when required to police in the course of an investigation into whether you had committed an offence having been suspected of driving a car on the same day.

He has been banned from driving for 16 months, ordered to carry out 80 hours of unpaid work, and pay £85 in court costs plus £114 to fund victim services.

TOWN CENTRE: Jack Hedges, of Shrivenham Road, has been sentenced for possession of Class B drugs.

The 21-year-old indicated a plea of guilty to having cannabis while in Swindon on October 4, 2023.

He has been fined £80 and had the illegal substance forfeited and destroyed, and must also pay £40 in court costs.

OLD TOWN: Daniel Burns, of Goddard Avenue, has been sentenced for two offences.

The 34-year-old pleaded guilty to using violence to secure entry to premises on Kingshill Road on December 31, 2023, while knowing that there was someone present on those premises who was opposed to him entering.

He also indicated a plea of guilty to using racially-aggravated  threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour towards a woman to make her believe that violence was about to be used against her on the same date.

The defendant received a community order that requires him to abstain from consuming alcohol for 90 days, stay at his home address for two evenings so that a tag can be fitted and monitoring equipment installed, pay £250 in compensation to the victim, and complete up to 10 rehabilitation activity days.