A major multi-million pound sporting hub boasting some of the best cycling facilities in the country has opened in Swindon.

Footballers, cricketers, croquet players and cyclists of all ages can now try out the £6.3 million Moredon Sporting Hub.

It features a full-size floodlit 3G pitch that is suitable for multi-team training and junior and senior matches, along with a 1.2km regional-standard cycling closed road circuit that will be used at competition level with British Cycling and has internal loops and cross-over points allowing three groups to use the track at once.

The hub also includes a mini roads training zone, a BMX pump track, three grass football pitches and two cricket pitches, two more croquet lawns, and a new pavilion with enhanced changing areas, a café and a reception area.

The hub caters to newcomers to these sports as well as those who may have stopped playing but would like to return.

More than 280 new trees and hedges surround the site.

TigerTurf UK constructed the artificial sports pitch, Snape Contracting Services Ltd built the pavilion and Spadeoak delivered the cycle track and new car park.

Swindon Borough Council delivered the scheme and Central Swindon North Parish Council will now operate it. Book visits via www,centralswindonnorth-pc.gov.uk/moredon-sporting-hub

A family open day on Sunday will give people the chance to try everything on offer for free.

Cllr Jim Grant, Cabinet member for communities and joint working, said: “I’m thrilled to see this project completed, and for it to be completed on time and on budget.

"We’ve made a promise to build a better Swindon and we’re doing just that, right here in Moredon.

“It’s an amazing facility which is incredible to have in Swindon. Not only will it be something for local residents to enjoy, but we’re also very excited about the prospect of major organisations coming and using it.

“If you’re at all interested, I encourage you to come and visit on Sunday and see for yourself how special it is.”

The project has been several years in the making, and was kicked off under the previous Conservative administration at the borough council. The leader of the Conservative group Councillor Gary Sumner said: "We are very pleased that our vision for the new £6.3m Moredon sports hub as a combined cycle circuit, football and cricket pitches and a new Parish run pavilion, has been realised.

"It has been four years of hard work and effort from councillors and staff. The hub has a lot of potential but it needs the public to use it before anyone can say it is a success. Our thanks to the Premier League, The FA, the Conservative government's Football Foundation and Sport England's Places to Ride Programme for their support."

Funding for the sporting hub came from Swindon Borough Council, Central Swindon North Parish Council, the Premier League, The FA, the government’s Football Foundation, and Sport England.

Central Swindon North Parish Council chair Cllr Kevin Small added: “The Moredon Sporting Hub is a great investment for the people of North Swindon and particularly residents of the Central Swindon North parish.

“This new provision that brings national standard cycling facilities to our parish, along with an all-weather football facility, is a great example of the parish council and borough council working together to provide high quality sporting facilities for Swindon.

"The parish is also moving its headquarters to the site.

“I would like to thank the various national sporting bodies for their contributions to the project and for making this fantastic facility possible.”

Investment from Sport England has come from the Places to Ride programme, delivered in partnership between DCMS, Sport England, and British Cycling.

Kevin Mills, director of place development at Sport England, said: “Sport England is hugely proud to have played a significant role in making Moredon Sporting Hub a reality for the community of Swindon and beyond.

“From those looking to return to sport and physical activity, to individuals seeking to build a habit for the first time, the range of cycling facilities available ensures that Moredon truly is a multi-discipline cycling venue to be proud of.”

Football Foundation chief executive Robert Sullivan said: “The Football Foundation is working closely with our partners to transform the quality of grassroots facilities in England by delivering projects like this across the country.

“Good quality playing facilities have a transformative impact on physical and mental health and play an important role in bringing people together and strengthening local communities.

“The foundation’s grant towards delivering this state-of-the-art new facility is fantastic news for the local community and will help give more people access to a great place to play.”