A multi-million pound revamp of Fleming Way is slowly taking shape.

Much of the junction with Princes Street appears to be nearly ready, with the revamped route coming to an abrupt halt near the corner of the old Debenhams building, where the ground is still mostly mud and mortar.

The biggest challenge for the contractors involved is lowering the entire road to the level of the Parade, though most of that tough task seems to have been carried out.

The steep slope of dirt and rubble that once surrounded the demolished underpass has disappeared, with a fairly sizeable verge remaining along the side of the Debenhams building.

The eastern end between Islington Street and the Leonardo Hotel offers sharp contrasts between sections that appear to be close to completion - with new paving and pedestrian crossings laid out - next to smaller areas with exposed piping, large ditches, and parked construction vehicles.

Thames Water is currently rerouting water pipes under the road and, when this is completed over the next few months, Openreach can then complete a final piece of work which will allow the construction of the new road to progress. 

All buses will leave from a single location that also serves inter-urban bus and coach services when it's completed in summer 2025.