A teen who cracked a police officer's tooth with a headbutt in a series of attacks at a Wetherspoons pubs has been sentenced.

Ash Iles, 19, assaulted three police officers and two staff, used racist language and caused hundreds of pounds of damage in the drunken pub rampage.

She was sentenced in Swindon Magistrates' Court on July 8 after pleading guilty to two assaults, three assaults on emergency workers, using racially aggravated language and criminal damage.

On November 25, 2023, Ash Iles, then 18, had been “drinking a fair amount” in The Savoy in Swindon’s town centre, explained Adam Cooper, prosecuting.

She was “rolling around on the floor” and a member of staff checked to see if she was okay.

The staff member’s statement read: “I was really concerned about her but she kicked me on the right shin. I only went to see if she was okay.”

Another member of staff tried to move their colleague away and was also hit. Neither suffered lasting injuries.

The most serious attack, said Mr Cooper, was a headbutt on one policeman’s head, cracking a tooth and causing “considerable pain”.

'Racist' teen attacked Wetherspoons staff and police

The magistrate concurred: “That could be very serious”.

A second police officer was kicked in the head, chest and lower leg, suffering some pain after the assault.

A third officer’s leg was bitten, but there was no skin penetration or injury.

Iles smashed a glass door of the JD Wetherspoon-owned pub, worth around £250 to £300.

“Among this and back in custody”, explained Mr Cooper, “ the defendant was abusive to everyone calling officers ‘white c****’ and ‘white b*****s’”.

Stephen Collins, defending, said: “This is completely out of character. If it were not for the mental health episode going on at the time it would not have happened.

“It has come as a shock to Iles.

“She accepts this is a very serious offence and wishes to apologise for what they witnessed and any injuries they sustained.”

The magistrate said: “You behaved in an outrageously vile and frightening way and it does not help you were having some problems that day."

Taking into account Iles’ guilty plea, apologies and mental health crisis, the judge gave her an 18-month community order rather than a suspended sentence.

She must do 37 days with probation, the Nelson Trust and accommodation support and 100 hours of unpaid work.

She must pay £150 compensation to the person she headbutted and £50 compensation to each of her other victims.

There were no costs or surcharge awarded.