The manager of a travel club in Swindon has responded to complaints from customers who say they have not received refunds for cancelled holidays.

Tony Hughes from Swindon operates the Windmill Travel Club, which has received negative reviews from people claiming to have been left in the lurch after their travel plans were thrown into disarray.

One 76-year-old customer from West Swindon, who did not wish to have his name published, says he has been waiting since November for £900 owed after a visit to Valkenberg Christmas Markets did not go ahead.

As a result, he says he and his wife have not been able to book another holiday with a different provider.

He told the Adver: "We only booked because two friends had told us that the travel club was very good.

“We would normally be quite hesitant, especially since he wanted payment through BACS instead of by credit card, which has made it harder to get the money back.

“His PO box is defunct, sent emails receive an out-of-office reply, and messages left over the phone do not get answered.

“Our trip was cancelled due to ‘lack of interest’ and he did give us other options but we wanted the money back.

“We have been waiting for seven months and haven't heard from him since the cancellation.

“The club is still organising trips, so I went to the Link Centre last Saturday to confront him.

“Four people were waiting for a coach that never arrived – that trip had been cancelled, too.”

Reviews on the travel club’s Facebook page have similar complaints from people who claim they have not received responses to requests for refunds of cancelled Easter, birthday, and family getaways.

Mr Hughes said: “Sometimes it does not make sense to operate a trip because some people have cancelled at short notice for various reasons like illness, or they can’t make it or can no longer afford it.

“We try to be flexible as possible with everyone – we give them the option of transferring to another trip or holding the money on credit for a later trip.

“People will be refunded in due course – I appreciate that some are still outstanding, I’m in the process of paying them back.

“Other organisations we deal with have different processes that take longer to complete, which is why there has been a delay.

“I’m very busy at the moment, I’m a one-man band and don’t man the office full-time. It’s a travel club, not a business.

“I have some free time soon to catch up and sort this out.”