The owners of a Swindon doughnut factory have opened their first café.

Mario and Betina Evangelista bought Pipp & Co in 2015 and have grown it from a small bakery selling at farmers' markets into a big business which produces more than 20,000 doughnuts a week, employs 30 people, and achieves an annual turnover of £1.3 million.

After increasing the Kembrey Business Park site's production by nearly 700 per cent in less than 10 years, the couple are now branching out into café ownership.

Earlier this year, they invested in an empty commercial unit in College Green in Bristol and have refitted it as a new café which will be the first in a series, with plans for more outlets in other locations.

The expansion created eight extra roles for employees and was previously described as a dream come true by the owners.

All the doughnuts are made from scratch at the Swindon factory using quality raw ingredients that are locally sourced where possible.

There are no artificial colourings, flavourings or additives, and the doughnuts are designed to be eaten on the day of purchase.

Betina said: "It was a very different business when we bought it.

“It had been set up by two patisserie chefs, who were mainly selling into farmers’ markets.

"We still sell our doughnuts at farmers’ markets have been visiting many of them for years. We have a great and loyal customer base, there is a very special atmosphere, and we love visiting the markets.

“We have, however, expanded and now also have a lot of stockists, including farm shops and cafes.

"A big part of our business is selling to corporates through running regular popup shops and by stocking staff restaurants. We have always stayed true to the original founders’ passion for creating a quality product, from quality ingredients, with nothing artificial.”

Mario added: “Betina and I had been in the food business when we were much younger, running a small restaurant for a couple of years.

"Life then took us on a different path however the passion for good food stayed with us and as our children got a bit older, we were looking for an opportunity.

"By chance, we came across the doughnut business at a farmers’ market with a massive queue and we thought we just had to try some of those doughnuts. We bought the business, and the rest is history.”

From 2,500 doughnuts a week in 2015, Pipp & Co (formerly called Pippin & Co) now makes around 20,000 a week on average and has expanded the range to include cinnamon rolls and cruffins (a croissant/muffin cross).

In 2022, the business relocated from its original production unit to much larger premises in Swindon, which gave it the capacity to upscale and produce new lines, with a large investment in fittings and new equipment.

The fresh food served at the Bristol café is made by Pipp & Co and, along with the doughnuts, includes a range of savoury pastries and new sweet bakes.

Mario said: “If Bristol is successful - and we believe it will be - we have plans to open more cafes in other locations.”

Pipp & Co also recently launched a coffee and doughnut van, which visits business and industrial parks, and can be booked for corporate events, weddings and sporting fixtures.

The doughnuts and other products are available through stockists from Reading to Oxford, and from Stroud to Bristol. For more information visit