An ambitious plan to build flats on top of a large shop unit in the heart of the town centre has been withdrawn.

In 2021 The Offer Group Ltd put in a planning application to build two extra storeys on top of the two-storey unit at 55-61 Regent Street in Swindon, most recently used by the New Look clothing chain.

The application would have seen 28 flats constructed in those extra storeys and would have seen the main shop unit sub-divided into seven units and also a self-storage facility.

New Look in Swindon town centreNew Look in Swindon town centre (Image: Dave Cox)

The applicant said providing the apartments would bring people into the shopping area past the close of business and also attract other businesses to serve those residents and add to the vibrancy of the main shopping area as well as improve its safety.

Of the 28 flats, with 14 on each of the additional storeys, 24 would have one bedroom and four, the two flats on each floor closest to the rear of the building would have two bedrooms.

Dividing the shop into seven units was seen as helping to make them more attractive for smaller businesses to take, and the self-storage facility would be used by residents of the flats and other residential developments in the town centre

The company has now withdrawn its application.