Swindon pensioner has celebrated her 100th birthday surrounded by friends and family at a very special party.

Betty Broad reached the milestone on Friday, July 12 at Church View Care Home, where the staff organised a buffet, balloons and bouquets of flowers.

“The nurses were singing as soon as I woke up, it’s been quite exciting," said Betty. "They bought me lots of flowers, which are all in my room, and I won’t be able to get in there later.”

She said the secret to living a long and happy life was keeping her body ‘clean.’

She said: “My doctor said my body was clean and I’ve never smoked and don’t drink. I’ve travelled well - I’ve been to America 13 times, including Disneyworld.

“Becoming a Christian was one of the most important things in my life, but my grandchildren and great grandchildren are very important as well. I have two grandchildren and four great grandchildren.”

And in true great grandmother fashion, Betty stopped eating to check her great grandson had had enough to eat at the party.

Angela, Betty’s only child, said: “She absolutely adores her grandchildren and she has always been very good at knitting and playing the piano. The Salvation Army was a big part of her life and she used to teach the children’s choir.

“She’s been in the care home for just over a year after she had a heart attack. Her mind is still very active and she’s really with it for her age.”

Betty, originally from Tunbridge Wells, left school at 14 to work in a department store making women’s hats.

She married her partner Ken in March 1945 and Angela was born in 1948, but it wasn’t until 1987 that Ken and Betty moved to Swindon to be closer to their family.

Care home manager Lisa Guy said: “Betty is really sociable, she attends all the activities we put on and she’s always dancing in her chair.

“When she woke up this morning she wanted to get her hair washed straight away, so she was ready for the day. She’s a beautiful, special lady.”

Donna, who has been a carer at the home for over seven years, added: “I don’t think we’ve had a 100th birthday here before.

"Betty certainly doesn’t look 100 and memory wise she’s so switched on. She is exceptional, kind and funny – an inspiration to everyone.”