Thousands of potholes have been fixed around Swindon since the start of the year.

Swindon Borough Council revealed that their teams have repaired 7,383 faults in the road surface since January.

Of these, 564 repairs were carried out in June, with 305 being fixed within five working days of being reported.

Out of all the potholes reported last month, 534 were identified by the team of five highway inspectors that regularly check the town’s 522 miles of roads as well as 646 miles of paths and pavements and 76 miles of cycle paths.

Around 120 faults were reported by residents and 30 of those fit the necessary criteria for a repair to be arranged.

A Swindon Borough Council spokesperson explained: “For a pothole to be considered a safety defect, it must be at least 40mm deep.

“Road surface potholes that pose a very high safety risk are completed within 24 hours.

“We aim to complete all other pothole repairs within 10 working days, with the majority completed within five working days. Other defects may be repaired within six weeks.

“For defects less than 40mm deep - a risk assessment is made in line with our Carriageway and Footway Defects Management Plan to determine if the defect is a hazard and if a repair is necessary.”