The following cases were heard at Swindon Magistrates Court earlier this month.

ELDENE: Callum Gale, of Bowleymead, has been sentenced for threatening to disclose a private sexual photograph or film with intent to cause distress.

The 19-year-old indicated a plea of guilty to the offence, which he committed on July 1, 2022 in Swindon, as he did not have the person in the photo’s consent to share the photo and threatening to do so caused her distress.

He received a community order that requires him to carry out 40 days of unpaid work and up to 20 rehabilitation activity days.

No restraining order was deemed necessary as there has been no contact between the defendant and victim in the two years since the offence occurred.

MOTORWAY: James Bartley, of Uplands Road in Bristol, has been sentenced for driving offences.

The 32-year-old pleaded guilty to two offences but was later found guilty of both. He drove a Mercedes Benz along the M4 between Junctions 16 and 17 on March 12, 2023 without due care and attention at more than 70mph.

He has been banned from driving for 56 days, fined £660 and ordered to pay £650 in court costs plus £176 to fund victim services.

TOWN CENTRE: Conway Sims, of Spring Close, has been sentenced for theft from a shop.

The 29-year-old pleaded guilty to taking eight packs of Pokémon cards worth £54.42 altogether from Swindon’s Waterstones on April 1, 2024.

He must pay the value of the stolen goods back in compensation as well as a fine of £120 and court costs of £85.

OLD TOWN: Max Duggan, of Bath Road, has been sentenced for possession of Class B drugs.

The 23-year-old had cannabis while in Swindon on January 28, 2024. He must pay a fine of £197 as well as £40 in court costs and £78 to fund victim services.

The illegal substance has been forfeited and destroyed.

TOWN CENTRE: Colin Smith, of Harding Street, has admitted to possession of a Class A drug.

The 49-year-old pleaded guilty to having cocaine on him while in Swindon on May 3, 2024.

He has been fined £50 and ordered to pay £20 to fund victim services. The illegal substance has been forfeited and destroyed.

SWINDON: Connor Kirkley, of no fixed abode, has been sentenced for three offences.

The 29-year-old indicated a plea of guilty to stealing trainers worth £80 from the Nike Factory store in Swindon on June 7, 2024, and using a bank card that did not belong to him at a petrol station on June 17, and pleaded guilty to entering a Shire Court address in Kingshill on July 9 which had had a closure order enforced on it on May 16.

He must pay back the value of the £80 trainers as well as £6.78 in compensation to the bank card's owner.

MARLBOROUGH: Lewis Miles, of Chiminage Close, has been sentenced for two offences.

The 42-year-old indicated a plea of guilty to possessing cocaine while in Marlborough on January 1, 2024, and pleaded guilty to using racially-aggravated words or behaviour towards someone with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress on the same day.

He must pay a fine of £120 and £85 in court costs. The Class A drugs have been forfeited and destroyed.

COVINGHAM: Martin Paker, of Ravenscroft, has been sentenced for drink driving.

The 40-year-old pleaded guilty to driving a BMW along Ravenscroft on June 23, 2024, after consuming so much alcohol that the proportion of it in his breath namely 95 micrograms per 100ml of breath, exceeded the prescribed limit.

He has been banned from driving for 24 months, fined £200, and ordered to pay £85 in court costs plus £80 to fund victim services.