Swindon bus station users have expressed their disgust over the state of the toilets and confusion over the opening hours.

They say the facilities are deterring people from visiting the town and have urged the council to do more to make them clean, reliable and safer for everyone.

A comment on Facebook from Paul Sulivan sparked the discussion. He wrote: “Why do the manky bus station toilets close at 4pm? I'm sure they used to close at 6pm or so. Seems the busiest time of day to close.”

And many commenters were quick to agree, saying the lack of public toilets was just one of the reasons they were deterred from visiting the town centre, noting a particular inconvenience for the elderly, disabled and people with health conditions.

Raymond James said: “Public toilets in general in Swindon hardly ever seem open or have closed completely. Especially at weekends. I understand why - crime, drug use, etc - but God help you if you need to use one and the few there across the town are closed.”

While some people seemed to think the toilets were supposed to be open between 7am and 4pm, welcoming early morning passengers but neglecting many after-work commuters, others said they had never even seen the toilets open at all. 

Madeline Webb agreed, commenting: “I don’t go to town because there are no decent toilets for me to use. Shop in other towns now along with many other people I imagine.”

Emma McBride suggested Swindon Borough Council could do more to improve the facility: “The council should install loos that we pay for, 50p maybe? It might deter the wreck heads but also be cheap enough for general public.

"Maybe with a card reader too. It would probably over time pay for itself and an attendant to clean a few times a day?”

The toilets have previously been temporarily closed by Swindon Borough Council after being left in a grotesque state, with overflowing toilets and faeces on the floor and up the walls.

Charlotte Louise said: "I'd rather go in a bush or just wet myself, they were vile.”

One woman, who did not wish to be named, said: “The bus station is disgusting and anyone coming here and seeing the state of it would think it’s an absolute s***hole and they aren’t wrong. When the toilets are open they stink and people do all sorts in them.

"I’ve lived here for nearly 21 years and there’s no point coming to the town centre anymore, nothing here.”

A spokesperson for Swindon Borough Council said: “We recently extended the opening times of the toilets at the bus station so they are now open between 7am and 4pm every day of the week. The toilets are cleaned at the end of each day and are checked at two-hour intervals throughout the day.

“As the toilets have been in place for some time, we have had maintenance issues and, when this occurs, we unfortunately have to close them while we resolve any problems.

“This will, however, become a thing of the past when the new bus interchange at Fleming Way is opened as brand-new toilets will be installed as part of the scheme and this will include an accessible Changing Places facility. We are looking at options to ensure the new toilets are well maintained, which could include a small charge.”