Wildlife conservation charity Butterfly Conservation is urging Wiltshire residents to count butterflies this summer to beat last year's total.

During summer last year, nature lovers in the area spotted an impressive 45,916 butterflies and day-flying moths during the Big Butterfly Count.

The count sees Wiltshire residents doing the vital work of tracking the various species.

The red admiral secured the top spot for species sightings in 2023.

These counts are of particular importance, as butterflies are indicators of the health of our natural environment.

Half of Britain’s butterflies are said to be threatened or near threatened with extinction.

The aim of the count is to understand how these species are responding to changes in climate and to take proactive steps to protect them.

Researchers have found that there is a clear northward spread for many species, including common garden favourites the peacock, comma and holly blue.

Analysis of five decades of data has shown this is due to climate change creating warmer habitats.

To ensure as many people as possible take part this year, Butterfly Conservation is issuing an appeal to Wiltshire residents.

Dr Zoë Randle, senior surveys officer at Butterfly Conservation, said: "We really need people across Wiltshire to get out for the count to help us understand the impact of climate change on our most-loved butterflies.

"We’re relying on everyone, everywhere to spend just 15 minutes outdoors and let us know what they see.

"With species on the move, someone in Wiltshire might even be the first to spot a new species in their area."

The Big Butterfly Count is free and takes 15 minutes to complete.

It's an activity designed to either be done alone or with family and friends.

All green spaces, regardless of size, are asked to be checked, tracked and reported - from back gardens and terraces to urban parks and country lanes.

Last year, more than 135,000 counts took place in the UK.

Participants spent a combined equivalent of four years counting butterflies across a variety of locations.

The collected information provides crucial data for conservation projects, helps shape government policies, supports other experts in their research and works to protect the ecosystem.

This year’s Big Butterfly Count has already begun and will go on until Sunday, August 4.

For more information and to take part, visit www.bigbutterflycount.org or download the free Big Butterfly Count app.