A Swindon supermarket cannot take card payments as an international IT failure affects businesses worldwide and locally.

At least one Co-op supermarket in Swindon has been forced to be cash-only “due to a national problem”.

The store on Swinley Drive, Peatmoor issued a warning: “Due to a national problem our card readers are not working.

“Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Cash only.”

Co-op’s headquarters have been contacted for further details and to check which other stores are being affected.

Other supermarkets and banks have also been contacted for further details on the impact on their branches.

The IT issue has affected worldwide industries, including airlines, shops and healthcare.

The BBC reports that the majority of English GP surgeries are having problems, along with trains, supermarkets and pharmacies.

The issue is reported as being down to an update by Windows affecting cybersecurity form, Crowdstrike.

Crowdstrike have been reported as stating that the issue has been identified, isolated and “a fix has been deployed”.