A social club that called for new members has had its wish granted, adding to optimism about the future.

Chiseldon Sports and Social Club chairman John Taylor personally welcomed six members in two weeks who he hopes will in turn bring their families.

It is good news for the “family club” which hopes to attract a new audience with new services, guaranteeing its future survival.

John said of the membership call: “It gave everyone a kick up the backside.

"We need more people in and we’ve had new people coming in. It’ll have the club going the right way.(Image: Dave Cox)

“It’s great because all new members can bring in their families and their children.

“A couple of them were people that used to come in years ago that are coming back.

“The feedback was really nice: one lady who joined who hasn’t come in years said it was great to see all the families in there and all the people she used to know back in the club.”

Rather than moving away from its history, John recognises the club’s heritage not least in his staff. Current bar manager, Ebony Patternson's grandfather ran the club until August 2023.

John said: “We were very lucky to persuade Ebony to take on the role. Ebony and my bar staff, they're critical.

“Having someone that was born and bred in the village and literally grew up in the club is a big bonus for us.”

However, some of the new changes have succeeded in diversifying the club’s offering and broadening its appeal.

He has introduced “massive” breakfasts by Fat Boy Slim from their kitchen on weekends from 9am to 12pm. Available to non-members, these have created a new source of revenue.

“I have to say, the breakfast is exceptional”, praised John.

(Image: Dave Cox)

The club was recently refurbished and has a beer garden, pool tables, and regular entertainment.

John now wants to start selling coffee to draw daytime punters, and an open-mic to draw new talent to perform at the club.

The event would introduce a variety of performers to the club regularly, while also supporting new talent.

John said: “People have realised they want to support the local club. It is not dramatic, but without this continuing, we will not be there in the future.”

Anyone can join the Chiseldon Sports and Social Club, with more information on their website.