A Swindon organisation helping victims of domestic abuse has been rated as 'gold standard' for quality.

Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service (SDASS) first started as Swindon Women's Aid in 1975 before rebranding in 2019 to better reflect the diversity of support it offers.

The charity has helped several thousand victims to leave their perpetrators and start new lives which are free from abuse by offering a free secure refuge with 22 individual flats for women and children, as well as advisors and a 24-hour helpline.

Now the vital service has been awarded the Quality Mark by the Women's Aid National Quality Standards (NQS), in recognition of its work with domestic abuse victims in the town.

From left to right: Farah Nazeer, CEO Women’s Aid, Leann Atkinson Director of Services SDASS, Angus Macpherson Trustee SDASS, Sarah Hill, Chair of Trustees Women’s Aid.From left to right: Farah Nazeer, CEO Women’s Aid, Leann Atkinson Director of Services SDASS, Angus Macpherson Trustee SDASS, Sarah Hill, Chair of Trustees Women’s Aid. (Image: SDASS)

“I am very proud of the expertise and professionalism of all of our employees and volunteers who have worked so hard to help us achieve this award and provide a first-class service," said Leann Atkinson, Director of Services.

“The NQS is a very rigorous application that takes an in-depth look at the services we provide, including our refuge, support services within the community, as well as other proactive programmes we deliver to help victims and survivors of domestic abuse.

"To receive the Quality Mark is great recognition that the work that everyone does at SDASS is unparalleled in quality and expertise."

The Women’s Aid NQS is the only accreditation that recognises and represents the work of specialist domestic abuse services in England.

In order to achieve the accreditation, SDASS had to submit evidence and receive an in-depth assessment visit on seven areas of the services they provide. 

These areas included: safety and respect, equality and rights, health, recovery and autonomy, power and prevention, leadership and accountability, children and young people, and accommodation services. 

“Every single member of the team at SDASS are wholeheartedly committed to supporting the women, men and children in Swindon who are experiencing domestic abuse," said Trustee Angus Macpherson, who received the official certificate alongside Leann on behalf of SDASS.

"This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication that they put in day in and day out to make a difference and save lives."

The trustee added: “There is no excuse for domestic abuse and it has no place in our society.

"Through working with victims, those who may be at risk and perpetrators of abuse, as well as having strong relationships with our local community, local businesses and education establishments, we’re pioneering initiatives to put an end to domestic abuse.”