A man already in jail for rape has admitted to tracking and following women’s cars.

Carl Wallis, 38, of Brookdene, Swindon, stalked two women with tracking devices on their cars between September 1 and October 8, 2023.

He pleaded guilty to two counts of stalking at Swindon Magistrates' Court on July 22 receiving six more months on top of an earlier 10-and-a-half-year rape sentence.

Both women have been granted indefinite restraining orders.

Wallis was sentenced for rape in February after a three-day trial in Swindon Crown Court.

In 2016 he took advantage of his victim whilst she was passed out and unresponsive, which was only discovered six years later on a mobile phone.(Image: Wiltshire Police)

A Victim Personal Statement read: "The day I found the video and pictures on the mobile phone ... I was in total shock. I did not know what to think or feel, I felt completely numb. I could not believe what I had just seen. I felt sick.

"I feel dirty and humiliated... I will never be free from the monster."

DC Anna McCormack, the investigating officer, said: "Every sexual assault has a huge impact on victims. In this incident the victim discovered the offence had taken place when she was at her most vulnerable; asleep, and by someone she trusted.

"I'd like to thank her for her incredible bravery by reporting the offence and giving evidence during this trial. Without her continued assistance, the outcome would not have been possible.”

He was sentenced to 10-and-a-half years in prison for the non-recent rape and placed on the Sex Offenders' Register for life and subject of a restraining order for the victim.

The newer offences took place five months before the rape sentence was given and Wallis was imprisoned.

Six months later, DC Anna McCormack, again the investigating officer, said about the stalking: "I'd like to commend both victims, who have been left quite distressed by Wallis' action, but have remained strong in seeing this process through to the end.

"Stalking is a crime which has a profound effect on those experiencing it.

"This is something Wiltshire Police take seriously and we will respond robustly to reports of fixated, obsessive, unwanted and repeated behaviour which intrusively impacts upon people's lives."