Young people in Swindon have been warned of the dangers of vaping ahead of the school holidays. 

During proactive operations with partners in Swindon, Wiltshire Police says it is often seeing and seizing illegal, unregulated vapes in stores across the town.

Police say these illegal vapes pose serious health risks and also create a serious risk of vape-related exploitation. 

These vapes tend to contain either a nicotine strength level exceeding the 2 per cent legal limit, or they have a tank capacity exceeding the maximum 2ml limit, as well as potentially other harmful chemicals.

T/Insp Winter, based in Swindon, said: “We know that vaping has become common among many young people, but we would urge you to be incredibly mindful over what you are inhaling.

“The laws around e-cigarettes are there for a reason.

“We don’t know the long-term health impacts of illegal vapes, and there is a real risk that unregulated vapes contain either a dangerous level of nicotine or chemicals you don’t know you’re inhaling.

“While we continue to work with our partners to clamp down on the illegal selling of vapes to under-age children, we are aware it continues to happen and we would urge any young person who is purchasing vapes, either online or in a store, to check what is contained within them.

“All legal vapes are marked with the kite mark and have the CE sign – this shows they meet the legal requirements.

“Don’t put your health at risk by chasing the nicotine high.”

On the link between vaping and child exploitation, T/Inspector Winter continued: “We are also aware of the emerging link between vaping and the exploitation of children.

“The prominent use of vapes among young people means they are increasingly being promised by criminals and county lines groups alongside traditional methods like cash, trainers and food.

“This exploitation can take many forms including sexual exploitation or underage recruitment where criminals coerce young people into distributing or selling vaping products illegally.

“We would ask parents to please be aware of this link and to look out for the signs that your child may be being exploited.”

(Image: Wiltshire Police) In May, the convenience store Zabka Polski Sklep on Manchester Road was closed by police for selling these illegal vapes. 

Products inside the store and another linked premises were seized by police, amounting to a believed street sale value of £30,000.

A closure order was obtained for the premises which meant it could not open for at least three months.

Richard Steptoe, public health principal at Swindon Borough Council, said: “Illegal vapes can cause serious harm to children and young people as they are unregulated and place users at risk of ingesting unsafe levels of metals such as nickel, lead and other harmful substances.

“The trade is often associated with children being exploited by organised crimes groups who use these products to entice young people to use them and sell them.

"We fully support regulated vapes sold by reputable retailers to adults who want to quit smoking.

"Anyone living in the Swindon area who is thinking of quitting smoking can access our stop smoking services at  Sanford House on Wednesdays between 9.30am and 10.30am or from 2pm to 4pm.

“Alternatively email or call 07341 077530 if you would like to quit smoking and access free evidence-based stop smoking aids.”

Anyone looking for support regarding drugs and smoking and find it at the former and for the latter.

To report illicit vapes, you can either contact the police via their website or call 101, or report it to Trading Standards at