Thousands of pounds have been raised for a domestic abuse support service by a swing concert in Swindon.

Swindon's swing lovers raised £8,500 for the Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service (SDASS) during the annual High Sheriff's Concert.

The event was attended by more than 200 people, most of whom were found dancing in the aisles of Christ Church in Old Town as Swindon’s Swing Birds performed.

The concert was hosted by Dr Olivia Chapple, the high sheriff of Wiltshire, and was raising money on behalf of Rotary Cares.

Each year, the high sheriff of Wiltshire hosts a charity concert on behalf of Rotary Swindon Cares, the fundraising arm of the Rotary Club of Swindon.

The money raised will support women, men and children in the town who are experiencing or fleeing from domestic abuse.

It is predicted one in five people will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime.

SDASS offers its services to both victims and abusers, assisting in their journey towards a positive change.

The money will be used to support the charity’s community support service, refuge service and phone advice line which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

On average it costs £357 to provide a victim with a counselling assessment followed by six one-to-one sessions to begin their counselling support journey.

Nicky Alberry, the chair of SDASS and the Rotary member in charge of organising the concert, said: "This year's concert was a wonderful evening of music.

"Seeing everyone up and dancing in the aisles was fantastic.

"The Swing Birds were great and we're very grateful to all those who attended, sent donations and advertised in the programme."

He continued: "The work that SDASS does across Swindon is imperative in keeping victims of domestic abuse safe and providing women, men, and children with the support they need to regain their lives and live without fear."

Dr Olivia Chapple added: "I am so grateful to everyone who bought tickets and generously donated to the concert to make the fundraising evening such a success.

"My thanks also go to the brilliant Swing Birds and everyone who volunteered their time so kindly.

"It’s wonderful to have raised so much to help support the important work of Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service."

For immediate advice relating to domestic abuse, contact the confidential 24/7 helpline, which is always answered by an advisor, on 01793 610610.