A poorly-parked car in Swindon was found by police to have been stolen.

The car, a black Vauxhall Insignia, was parked with one wheel on the kerb, pointing into the road at an angle.

“Nosey” police officers made enquiries and discovered the car to be a dumped stolen car, which was then recovered.

Wiltshire Specialist Operations shared on social media: “Project zero is about tackling Fatal 5 offences, however it doesn't stop our nosey road policing officers making enquiries into poorly parked vehicles. (Image: Wiltshire Police)

“This one transpired to be a dumped stolen car! #recovered.”

This comes after it was announced that a ban on parking on the pavement in Swindon could come in 2024.

Earlier in the month it was reported that Swindon Borough Council’s cabinet had approved the committee’s recommendation to bring in experimental traffic regulation orders to prevent parking on the sidewalk.

Councillor Gary Sumner said that on Commercial Road it is the "Wild West" of pavement parking.

Project Zero is a weekly day of action dedicated to targeting drivers committing any of the Fatal Five offences – the offences most likely to contribute to death and serious injury on the roads