A seven-year-old from Swindon who was born with a condition that limits her speech, balance and motor skills has taken part in a national event.

Ada, who suffers from Leukodystrophy and uses a wheelchair, took part in Parallel Windsor earlier this month with her dad and brother by her side.

Parallel Windsor, which takes place on the grounds of Windsor Great Park, invites people of all health conditions and abilities to complete a 100m, 1km, 5km or 10m course.

Ada with her family at Parallel WindsorAda with her family at Parallel Windsor (Image: Variety)

Ada completed the 1km course, despite challenging weather conditions, with Team Variety.

The charity provides her with a specialist car seat to support her neck and ensure her safety during car journeys.

Her mum, Loran, said: "The family loved taking part again this year.

"We are so happy and proud to support a charity that does so much for children with disabilities."

Ada at Parallel WindsorAda at Parallel Windsor (Image: Variety)

She added: "There was so many talented people overcoming all kinds of challenges and obstacles – it is an overwhelming but wonderful experience.

"We are so proud to be a part of it and we will definitely be back next year."

Variety, the Children’s Charity, has raised more than £300 million, to help children and young people throughout the country since it was formed.