A bench in Swindon has been labelled Britain’s worst, while others have leapt to its defence.

The seat on a bend in London Road is an accident waiting to happen according to some, facing away from oncoming traffic.

It has been called “risky” and “ridiculous”, and others simply wonder why it faces the wall rather than the street.

“I love the way they've put the kink in the road, perfectly placed to wipe out an innocent family by a distracted driver, well done whoever designed that," commented Stovepipe.

“It looks awful I wouldn’t want to sit there to be run over. Why do they [Swindon Borough Council] find things so difficult?” asked 51st Lat.

Careful Me explained: “Facing a bench away from traffic that is extremely close and on a sharp jolt-out puts people at unnecessary risk when it could have been further back and facing the road.

“They say it’s not finished. If they would have placed it safely in the first place additional work and money would not have to be wasted.”

Wisedog commented: “The first thing that came to mind was the bench on Akers Way and the tragedy that occurred there! Placing benches close to roads really is lunacy.”(Image: Dave Cox)

Paul5729 said: “No issues with a bench, but placing it right next to a road and facing away from it is ridiculous. Surely tight up against the buildings would be a better spot.”

However, others saw the value of having a resting place on the long road.

AA54 said: “Having done more than one of the heritage trails, I would be very glad of a bench to have a rest part way around.”

“There are probably many people who have disabilities happy that the council are putting more benches around Swindon”, added Carleah.

Another, Toasted, recognised the council’s vision: “Starting to look much better down there with all the recent improvements. The new bench is a nice addition and the location is perfect.”

READ MORE: Swindon council criticised over 'risky' bench facing wall

Lastly, Swindondrive demanded first-hand experience: “Has anyone actually sat on it?”(Image: Dave Cox)

A Swindon Borough Council spokesperson said the bench is part of an ongoing £3 million improvement to the Railway Village including making London Street a better and more pleasant environment for pedestrians.

"The work around the bench is incomplete and is intended to give a resting place for visitors to the historic quarter or the newly created heritage trails.

Other additions will include trees, planters, benches and a pocket park outside the Sheppard Street underpass aiming to attract new businesses and visitors."